Why are Dogs Man’s Best Friend Essay
dogs are man’s best friends?
So often we hear various opinions about friendship; people often argue of what it is and what it should be like. It’s hard to say, who is right and who is wrong, but still you will hardly ever find people who don’t admit that dogs are the first to give us the example of true friendship.
To support this idea, we can find numerous incidents, proving great devotion, faith and love of dogs to their masters. First of all we should recollect the story of dog Bobby. It happened long time ago, but it is still remembered and honored. The matter is, when the master of the dog, John Gray, died, dog found his grave and came there to stay with the master forever.
Bobby lived at the grave and then left for the better world to join the beloved master. The story of Bobby impressed people so much, it made such a profound impact on them, that they decided to put it into history and built a monument to the dog. The statue can be found in Edinburgh, Scotland, where it serves as one of the most important sights.
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To give more justifications, we should turn to the book of popular Austrian writer Thomas Bresina “What is dog’s life?”. It tells us how a smart St. Bernard called Robin is saved from melancholy and starvation by the girl Penny. Following the girl in all her troubles, Robin becomes her savior in turn: he overcomes his strong natural fear of water and jumps into the lake in order to protect his new mistress from the persecutors. Moreover, when his previous, true master returns, after long hesitation Robin finally chooses Penny, with whom he has experienced a lot of good and bad as well, whom he has a lot to be thankful for and who loves him heartily, absolutely unselfishly.
Some people may claim that it is fiction and not real life. To refute that, I’d like to stress, that I do know examples from my own experience. My good friend had had a dog for 4 years, when his father married for the second time. My friend’s stepmother hated the dog and once took a car to take it away from the town. But in three days my desperate friend found his pet meeting him from school. The dog refused to return home, but never agreed to leave his master without his will. What is more, when my friend got seriously ill, his dog refused to eat and looked rather weak himself. It seems to me, its big heart could break, if his master didn’t survive.
To sum up, I dare say that dogs, getting under our influence, being tamed by us, put their trust entirely on us. As against to people, they never think of purposes, use or expedience of friendship they share with us. Being put under the difficult choice between their own good and the good of their true friends, they prefer the latter without any doubt. Their devotion and fondness to us can in no case be crushed by jealousy, distrust or resentment.
According to that, we can make no other conclusion, but admitting that dogs are man’s best friends. And due to that, we have much to learn from them in our human relationships. No matter how passionately you search for truth, you can’t be sure in things you try to believe. Meanwhile dogs prove their honesty with no words. Sometimes even it seems to us, that they understand us better than anyone else, and although they can’t speak in turn, they always support us with their faithful eyes, putting their heads on our knees and probably trying to assure us that everything will be okay.
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