Essay on Slavery
Essay on Slavery:
Slavery had existed in America from its discovery and had become embedded in American society and most importantly in American economy. This was present in other countries as well, however only in America the existence of the institution of slavery went against the main pillars of countries’ Constitutions.
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It is important to mention that before Revolution, slavery existed throughout all the colonies, though several years directly prior to it, antislavery movement became widespread in the North. Even before Revolution the efforts of antislavery activists started to pay off. The political activities of the Northern states had a strong effect on the Southern ones. There slavery was believed to be wrong, however, as the Southern economy was strongly dependant on the institution of slavery its abolishment was not carried out.
In the Revolutionary War both black and white people worked together to prevent the British injustice. At first, the generals refused to enlist free and enslaved African Americans, however, in need of soldiers this was done. The War had been in fact also won by the united efforts of the white and black population, free and enslaved.
After the Revolution it was clear that the institution of slavery would experience changes. This was because white Americans realized, that the way they could not be enslaved by the British, same way enslavement of the blacks was incompatible with the policies of free American land.
However, all of the above being said, the Revolution did not bring slavery to an end. Though, the frames of American Constitution did bring along some changes along the slave trade. Still, what it did result in, is in creation of two-fold political division that separated the country roughly in North and South – pro-abolitionist Republicans and pro-slavery Democrats.
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