The Great Gatsby Essay
Great Gatsby Essay
Ensuring Your Own Demise
Jay Gatsby’s rules, which were set in his youth, is the complete codex of behavior for every believer in a “dream”, who wants to open the way to life with the help of diligence, thrift, sober gain and persistent labor and to prove that chances are equal for all in a country, where there is enough space under a sun and where every person has a great amount of opened paths.
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Vagueness, diffusion is concluded in Gatsby’s character, because the conflict of two incompatible aspirations and principles is present in his soul. One of these principles is naivety, simplicity of heart. Another one is a sober mind used to the unsafe, but profitable game. On the one pole there is dreaminess, on another one there is practicalness and unscrupulousness in means. The breadth of the soul and elastic conscience transform through one into another. Fitzgerald is attracted by energy, force and disturbs the empty expenditure of forces.
The measures selected by a hero for the conquest of happiness, are not able to provide happiness. The dream collapses not only because Daisy is mercenary, but also because Gatsby conceived a design to conquer the happiness, paying greater sum, than Daisy, and being not fastidious to collect it. And without a “dream” the existence of the hero is senseless: the shot of Wilson is similar to the stab of a dagger that was used in the sake of mercy to finish off the dying from wounds.
Why Gatsby is great? He is great in the role of a rich man with mysterious reputation, owner of magnificent evening festivals which he arranges in a hope to attract Daisy’s attention. He is great due to the force of his sense, devotion to the dream, rare gift of hope, heartfelt generosity. He is great the proof adherence to the ideal of new Adam. But, if to take advantage of metaphor which Fitzgerald used to complete the novel, an ideal is noble only in the condition when a man swims forward without all hindrances, as if the flow does not exist. But in actual fact we try to swim forward, contesting with a flow and it throws our lives to the past times.
The Great Gatsby is a real example of “double vision”, which is determined by the author as ability to retain in consciousness simultaneously two rather opposite ideas that come into very conflict relations and at the same time creating dramatic motion of the subject and development of characters. The duality of the title character gives him a tragic color.
It is an example of conscious use of the style of estrangement. We see clearly the present persons, but we can not feel them as the living people with inherent internal life. It seems that they are from another world. And describing the alienation of people from each other or alienation from their human essence Fitzgerald also shows his own attitude to them.
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