Sample Essay on Flexibility

the past 200 years, the Eighteenth Amendment is the only unique amendment that has been repealed after being declared unconstitutial. In these 200 years, the United States Constitution has exercised its strength and flexibility by persisting social, political, and economic issues of that present time. The constitution has withstood the past two centures of United States citizens fighting and defending social issues. Politcal issues, such as disagreement over political positions, have arose an endless amount of times. The economic situations of the United States has been tested in the courts, as well.

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The strength and flexibility of the United States Constitution has repelled numerous social issues. For example, the case of Stanford v. Kentucky(1989), a 17 year old boy, Stanford, raped and murdered a young girl. Stanford was sentenced to death and he defended that putting punishing a minor with capital punishment violated the Eighth Amendment of cruel and unusual punishment, but his appeals were to no success as he was put to death. In another case, Thornhill v. Alabama(1922), Byron Thornhill was arrested for picketing on private property. He accused the law of violating the First Amendment, which allows the freedom of speech. Thornhill won the case and was released from jail. While the Constitution’s flexibility has persisted through many social cases, political issues have arose as well.

The Constitution has stayed strong, even after facing an endless amount of political disputes. One case that stands out is Madison vs. Marbury(1803), in which the President at the time, John Adams appointed Marbury as justice of peace, but never sent his commission before midnight. A battle began between Marbury and James Madison, who refused to hand over the commission to Madison. In the end, Madison did not have to hand over his commission, but this case became important because it was the first time the Court declared an act of Congress unconstitutional. Another case, Timmons v. Twin City Area New Party(1997), the Supreme Court struck down a law in Minnesota which stated that canidates for public office could not identify themselves to more than one political party. In contrast to political situations the Constitution has persevered, economic issues have also mounted major disputes in the past 200 years.

Disagreements over the economy have also made major headlines in the Supreme Court. One example is the case of McCray v. United States(1904), which stated that the Supreme Court supported the right of Congress to tax items to prevent fraud and to raise revenue for the government. Another case, Carter v. Carter Coal Company(1936), was a dispute over the federal government’s control over industries. The Court struck down the Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935, which limited the federal control over industries greatly. The United States Constitution has withheld numerous amounts of economic suits brought to the Supreme Court.

The United States Constitution has persisted social, political, and economic issues with strength and flexibility. The people of the United States have fought and defended their rights in the Supreme Court for over two centuries. The Constitution has held together despite all of the political issues brought forth. Disputes over the economy have been brought forward as well. The strength and flexibility of the Constitution is proven with the fact that this well-thought document has only been changed 26 times in the 200 years of its existance.


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