on December 26, 2012, 1:31 pm,
by admin,
Sample essays.
theory is one of the normative theories of business ethics, along with stockholder and social contract theories. This theory helps managers to evaluate interested parties of a business and its responsibilities to these parties, specify the nature of the business’s interaction with those parties. Stakeholder theory offers managers framework for decision-making allowing executives to evaluate possible consequences of these decisions so as to provide an assessment tool for future decisions.
Stakeholder theory provides an important tool for identifying the, the the business has to those interested parties, the interactions between the business and its stakeholders, etc. More practically, stakeholder theory can serve as an important management tool, assisting managers to consider the consequences of their decisions before making them and their actions before taking them. Read the rest of this entry »
economic effects of the steel labor unions on the steel industry in the U.S. after World War II
The analysis of current situation in the world steel industry and particularly in the US steel production shows us that there have been witnessed a significant downfall in this industry since World War II; a lot of companies are at the threat of closure, the workers’ wages are being reduced, the competitive ability of the firms is reducing as well. At the same time the power of labor unions in powerful industries and the mechanism protecting the level of life of workers in this industry are rather strong compared to other industries. Though currently the role of labor unions is somewhat decreasing, they are playing a leading role in the formation of production costs; and it is natural that a lot of researchers state that it was primarily the formation of labor unions and the consequence of their actions that the companies started losing in efficiency and competitive force.
The aim of this research paper is to analyze the factors that influence the development of steel industry in USA after World War II. Main thesis of the research paper is that labor unions were only partly responsible for the downfall of steel industry and that current situation depends mostly on the factors that are not related with the actions of labor unions. The statistical evidence illustrating the output in steel industry in different groups of countries is given to support the thesis and the main driving forces of international and local steel production are analyzed. The role of labor unions and other factors is compared and the conclusion is made that current situation in steel production is defined mostly by the global relation between capacity and demand for steel, and other corresponding factors. Read the rest of this entry »
a teenage girl gets pregnant, this phenomenon is called teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is treated differently in many cultures. A great number of countries, mostly in Asia treat it like a regular thing due to their traditions and peculiarities of the culture. But the Western civilization treats teenage pregnancy like a negative phenomenon, because young people are supposed to study and have normal years of life, without burden and big problems. Unfortunately, teenage pregnancy is quite a frequent thing. Every day we can hear about the cases when a 15-year-old girl has got pregnant and parents do not know what to do. Teenagers are too young to be allowed to get married, and a child commonly lives in single parent family (very often it is difficult to identify the father of the baby). The most common decision of the teenagers and their parents is to get rid of pregnancy. Abortion in such a young age is quite a regular thing nowadays, because a baby is a great responsibility and one can not study and work having it. On the other hand abortion influences the girl’s body badly and it is the next problem.
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on December 25, 2012, 12:10 pm,
by admin,
Sample essays.
is a form of patriotism based upon the identification of a group of individuals with a nation. Nationalism is quite a young term, which appeared several hundreds years ago. It is characterised by the love and devotion to one’s native motherland. People who are called nationalists are often understood totally wrong. Most of modern people compare nationalism to Nazism, a political movement of and ideology of the Nazi Germany and Italy of the first half of the XXth century. These terms sound alike but have completely different meanings, so people who criticize nationalism just possess poor background knowledge and low level of education, because, frankly speaking every person who lives in his native country should respect its culture and traditional elements. Moreover, without nationalism the development of the ethnic and national identity is impossible and this identity makes the world different and every country unique. Read the rest of this entry »
on December 24, 2012, 12:29 pm,
by admin,
Sample essays.
confidentiality is one of the basic criteria in the health care service. Its origin goes back to the ancient times and based on the Hippocratic Oath. The relations between the patient and the doctor were the subject of the ethics in all the times. It is especially important when we speak about the health of the teenagers.
Such issues as pregnancy, abortion, mental health care, the suicide prevention may be understood by the community in a little bit wrong way when they focused to the teenagers. The doctors, nurses and school staff should take such information with the utmost precautions. Sometimes the facts typical for the grown ups may cause fatal consequences if they are connected with the teenagers and revealed by the third parties.
The society has the right for the information as well as its members has the right to the privacy in their personal issues. Read the rest of this entry »
the year 1973 the issue of alternative resources for energy and fuels production gained more and more importance. Desire to have healthy and independent economy lead to development of new solutions for the problem. One of them is a hydrogen fuels. There are different opinions and predictions whether the hydrogen fuel is the fuel of the future, but let me first start with the development of it and then continue with the future expectations.
British scientist Henry Cavendish first identified the Hydrogen as distinct element in the year 1766. Then the first hydrogen balloon flight was launched in the year 1783. Then the investigation of this element started to gain more technological and scientific character. In 1800 English scientists William Nicholson and Sir Anthony Carlisle were the first who discovered how hydrogen could be extracted from the water. Later the process of spiting water into hydrogen and oxygen gases by applying electric current to water was called “electrolysis”. The development and usage of hydrogen started to be more popular especially after the year 1973 when the OPEC made an oil embargo. The supply shock that the country had experienced forced to think then the era of cheap petroleum had ended and that there was a need for alternative solutions. From this point the development of hydrogen fuel cells conventional commercial applications began. The government sponsorship is continued till this day and there are a lot of expectations that are put into the project. The movement started from the Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy Conference (THEMEC) held in March of 1974. Read the rest of this entry »
on December 23, 2012, 6:21 pm,
by admin,
Sample essays.
such well-developed countries as Australia and alike have ample opportunities to develop new industries and new perspective businesses. Among the most profitable and perspective industries may be named people’s leisure time. It means that people have more opportunities to have leisure time and consequently they need to spend it accordingly to their expectations and their needs. That is why, there is a trend in contemporary Australia to creative a lot of opportunities for leisure. However it creates big problems, mainly they concern the problem of environmental protection. Since to satisfy the growing demand from the part of customers numerous companies which operate in Australian market has to develop infrastructure, build five star hotels, cater customers, provide a comfortable transport opportunities, etc. It is particularly important that ecotourism, as a way of spending leisure time, becomes more and more popular. Naturally, it results in bigger problems for local communities as well as for the whole country at large because tourists ‘invade’ regions where they have never been before. As result, they bring in their own standards along with their own demand to local communities that naturally is followed by numerous changes that need particular attention and immediate solution, i.e. changes in lifestyle, environmental situation, catering, infrastructure, and many others. It is even possible to say that the growing demand leisure needs and creation of new opportunities for their satisfaction creates a situation which actually threatens to local communities, ecologic situation in certain regions and need a very careful planning, particularly environmental one. All these trends will be discussed in the paper and on the basis of one of the most perspective industries related to leisure, ecotourism. Read the rest of this entry »
security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. Network security is one of the key points of the success of the firm, company and a big enterprise.
Nowadays the whole important information is located in computer servers of the company and only its members have the access to the data kept there. If the firm is great and has constant enemies who envy its success, they will surely try to attack the server of the firm and use its data in their own purposes. In order to protect valuable data from the attacks a wide range of devices and techniques are used by the network administrator of the company: strong antivirus software, authentication (strong passwords changed weekly/monthly), network analyzers or network monitors, etc. Read the rest of this entry »
deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a psychiatric and neurobehavioral disorder characterized by either significant difficulties of inattention or hyperactivity and impulsiveness or a combination of the two. This disorder is the most common for children and its symptoms can be recognized till the child is 7 years old. According to the statistics from 3 to 5 percent of children on the planet have this disorder and their school life is a real problem for teachers and parents who can not control the child and make him focus his attention on education.
It is obvious that the problem is getting more important and stressing every year, because the number of children with ADHD constantly rises. The reason is unfavourable ecological situation and negative sides of the “Information Age”, when television and the Internet, mobile phones and wireless networks rule the world making our life dynamic and stressful. In order to clear up the reasons of ADHD and give the general idea about the disorder to students teachers offer to prepare a research paper on ADHD in children. Read the rest of this entry »
on December 18, 2012, 4:05 pm,
by admin,
Sample essays.
students are asked to prepare a good critical essay on Night by Elie Wiesel, they are expected to present a deep analysis of the book, but not a simple reproduction or banal thoughts on the Holocaust. Young people are not experienced enough to complete professional essays on such serious topics, that is why nearly every student looks for good examples of an essay on Night by Elie Wiesel in the Internet to see what problems are researched and analyzed there, what data is appropriate for the essay and how looks the structure of the paper itself.
Night is the book written by Elie Wiesel who describes his experience of being a prisoner with his father in the Nazi German concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944–1945. The book presents fearful events from the life of the author and his family who were Orthodox Jews and were captivated and imprisoned. Read the rest of this entry »