Posts Tagged ‘english essays’

Sample Essay on Fantasy

The history of America is an amazing one, filled with action, energy, and growth. In the very short history of America, it has progressed from an undeveloped, isolated land to the economically dominant nation that it is today. All the economic growth and progress of this nation is mainly due to the ideal of the […]

Sample Essay on Cheating

“Gotcha” said the principal to the student who was cheating on his math exam. He was a professional cheat, because he had never asked for a friend or written something on his hand during the exam. He attached his notepaper with a plastic band to his underwear, so nobody would try to find it. These […]

Sample Essay on Illiteracy

Functional illiteracy commonly means the inability of a person to read, write, speak, and use computers in everyday life. When confronted with these issues, individuals without basic literacy skills cannot function effectively. This problem is all too common in the United States. Dealing with illiteracy demands large amounts of resources from city, state, and federal […]

Sample Essay on Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a very big problem worldwide. Alcoholism affects families, friends and relatives. Many children live in households with at least one alcoholic parent. Many people have either married or have a blood related relative who is an alcoholic. One in ten women drink while pregnant. One third of alcoholic deaths are from suicide or […]