Research Paper on Tigers

(Panthera tigris) is a large mammal of the cat family and one of four types of “big cats”. The word “tiger” comes from the Greek tigris, which in turn is derived from Iranian languages ??and means roar or cry at the end of a joyful greeting. The evolutionary center of origin and current habitat of tigers is East and Southeast Asia. Being the world’s largest representative of the cat family, the tiger in all ecosystems is the tip of the food pyramid. According to paleontological data, the size of modern tigers is approximately equal to the largest of the fossil representatives of the family.

Most numerous tiger subspecies is the Bengal tiger (nominative subspecies), the number of which is about 80% of all species. It is common in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan, and Nepal.

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Tiger is an endangered species. That means it is threatened with extinction. Today, most these animals are in captivity.

Tiger is a loner by its lifestyle. It is a kind of territorial species, which is clearly the general characteristic of the cat. Usual habitat for tiger is medium and thick forest areas, although sometimes it can be found in open areas.

Like most other cats, the main method of hunting is stalking or waiting in ambush with a rapid, but short final rush. Most of prey is a medium to large ungulates, but tiger can also hunt quite small animals, such as rats.

Males are significantly larger than females and have a larger area. There is also significant dimension differences observed between the nine subspecies of this species that survived until historic times.

For students, who prepare an outline for research paper on tigers it would be interesting to read the of the early twentieth century tiger hunter. He says that tigers are more formidable than lions: lions forget that they are the kings, that is to say, the strongest of all animals walking a leisurely pace, they never attack humans unless they are provoked, they only hunt when they are hungry. Tigers, on the contrary, though satiated with flesh, always seem to be bloodthirsty, their fury calms only for the time required to lay an ambush, they tear new prey with the same rage they exercised by devouring the first, they devastate the country they live in, they fear neither the appearance nor the weapons of man they slaughter, they devastate herds of domestic animals, kill all the wild beasts attack small elephants, young rhino, and sometimes even dare to face the lion.

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